RSNA 2021 – Imaging quantification like Broncholab trending topic at RSNA conference
During the just finished RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) congress, Fluidda introduced its new medical device called Broncholab to the radiologists for the first time.
Broncholab is a diagnostic support tool to detect and to improve therapy of lung diseases based on FRI technology.
Broncholab enables accurate monitoring of lung diseases, thus increasing insights in the nature of the disease and supporting physicians in diagnosis and follow-up.
Striking during this congress, which takes place annually in Chicago, was the great attention to imaging and in particular quantitative imaging modalities, which indicates that these techniques will play an increasingly important role in the future.
For more information, please visit

Categorised in: Conferences / December 2, 2021 11:16 am /
Tags: Broncholab, FRI, Imaging, RSNA